television addictsAfter playing a series of gigs last year we came to the realisation: gigs are fun.

Along with other realisations like: we’re a band, and: we know how to play a bunch of songs, this led us to the point where now, in 2015, we’re opening the floodgates, taking bookings and getting our dancing trousers out of the cupboard again.

We have a couple of great shows coming up.

We’re playing with a bunch of punks from the SEVENTIES – The Television Addicts – playing songs by The Victims. One of those great seminal “time and place” acts without whom a whole swathe of Aussie garage greats might never have existed.

And – more excitingly – we’re playing with a whole bunch of new acts at the Sonic Masala Festival. We’re the old guys at that one.

We can’t wait to play again, see you at the bar.