Touching Electricity

Modern Morning MOD003 // November 13th, 2020

Our singles album, spanning 2009 – 2020. This features all four major line ups of the band, and songs from each album – most of which were actual singles, others were “shoulda-beens”. Also a couple of standalone single releases like You Used to be Funny, and Streets of Your Town.

The engineers: Darek Mudge, Branko Cosic, Bryce Moorhead, Keelan Sanders, Sep V, Magoo, Tim Steward.

The players: Tim Steward, Skye Staniford, Dan McNaulty, Scott Mercer, Arron Bool, Morgan Hann, Darek Mudge, Melissa Fraser, Josh Thomson, Ben Thomson, Paul Daly & Todd Hutchinson.

Artwork by Matt at No.7 Print House.


