SCREAMFEEDER will pick up their instruments and play for YOU (if you’re there) at the Healer, Brisbane, this Friday night!! I know I’ve gone on about it already, but it’s in 2 DAYS!!

You know the script, Giants of Science and Further are supporting, it’ll be a big fat night of “cruis’n” rock!! Tickets? – you’d better hope so. E mail back if yr in doubt.

We’re gonna do a mix of stuff at the show, a few new things, a new cover, some older stuff and maybe a real oldie or 2 for luck (..?!) We’ll also be selling t shirts, cds and some of our limited edition of silkscreened posters we got done just for the show, you saw em last time (or check the site – they’re very snazzy and will NOT last long. once they’re gone they’re gone, y’know? It’s the first time we’ve gotten real arty handprinted posters done. So, c’mon.

In other news, the singer from Lo-Tel is warbling on an Endorphin tune about “sex and violence” (making the world go round, apparently). I was thinking of various ways of working Alex Lloyd into the equation as well this week, just for fun like.. ooops! seems I’ve done it!! I’ll just leave it at that huh?!

  • dean * growing his hair, still (a record)
  • darek * birthday boy
  • Kellie * 2 days off work this week?
  • tim * master chef

**the feeder**