Cheers to everyone who came to the gig, it was a good night all round! Cheers to the most excellent Further and Giants of Science, cheers to 4ZZZ, cheers to the Healer, and cheers to all the invaluable people who worked for us. NICE!

Darek’s getting his little bit of input with the site now (go on, had his new digital camera backstage (birthday present last week – he turned 21!!) and took a lot of snaps – I’m starting to get them up already, and he’s even got a poem online now. Top shelf effort, I say.

Now, we’ve got a few of those POSTERS left. The deal was this: we had a limited run of 50 silk screened, and they’re all numbered and original and all that, so be one of only 50 people in the world with ORIGINAL ‘feeder artwork on yr wall. $20.00 post-paid is a steal too, get in quick. If you haven’t seen them, check them out on the site.

Well as homebake approaches ( so therefore does the one year anniversary of our first little absent minded ribbing of one of our favourite bands, Lo-Tel. It’s been a year eh? how time flies! We haven’t even had a come-back from them, what gentlemen.

Anyway, it’s all kinda gotten to the end of its life, so we might just move our attentions on to someone on this year’s bill, someone more deserving of a bit of something other than the mass adoration they constantly receive by pretty much the whole damn country. Stay tuned.. I doubt we’re alone ..I reckon heaps of people will crawl out from under their rocks. I just gotta think of something funny (not just plain spiteful) to say. stay tuned, stay tuned.

  • *tim – is aching
  • *kellie – gutterball
  • *dean – energy man
  • *darek – the smiler

**the feeder**