Now there’s a complete lie to grab your attention! Don’t worry, we’re all safe and sound, although thinking about it, the term “train wreck” could easily be applicable to many of our misadventures over the years..

Anyway anyway, we really are gonna be coming out on tour around June. I don’t know any details, but couldn’t resist blurting it out. I can’t keep a secret if my life depends on it. We’ve missed playing for you all around the country, it’s been too long!

Finally, thanks to our clever friend Richard in Melbourne, our online order form is working again, so you can sneak yr parents’ credit card numbers, get onto the site and order t shirts and cds to your heart’s content! *when they receive the credit card statement and hit the roof, tell them “hey, it’s screamfeeder stuff, all quality merchandise, and besides, Tim said to do it”. they’ll understand.

To celebrate our return to online commerce we’re offering 2 T SHIRTS for $30 – but only for a week, jeesh, we all gotta eat y’know. We’ve still got two beautiful designs, the “rocks on the soul” art print, and the black and white pic of a contingent of the ‘feeder army getting off the plane. Check em out:

Are you a lover of fine music (you obviously are, ha!) – but seriously, if your dream is to get hold of great punk/indie releases on vinyl or cd at a great price, look no further than here: truly rocks.

Much more news coming very soon.

  • tim – sideburns
  • Kellie – cigger burns
  • Dean – montgomery burns
  • Darek – burn outs