OK I ain’t gonna waffle on, it’s summer, who wants to sit around on a sticky vinyl chair reading e mails all day right?

A few things though:

*We’re doing a massive New Years Eve show in Brisbane – entertainment hassles sorted

*We’ve got a big stack of shirts and cds we’re getting rid of cheap! – solve all yr Christmas present hassles in one hit.

*We’re making a new album soon – air conditioned studio? no hassles there.

*Our new single is out even sooner

All the details ..and so much more, at http://www.screamfeeder.com

If you’re being hassled by these mailouts let us know. Otherwise pass it on to someone who hasn’t seen
the light. Karma will reward you, so will we.

bought a new belt, ate Nutri Grain
didn’t eat her Special K,
had Rice Bubbles and bought a new singlet and some trousers
had butter chicken from the North Indian diner

**the feeder
had fun in caringbah. thanks.

You’re on the screamfeeder mailing list.For CDs, T Shirts, photos, news and all the gossip: http://www.screamfeeder.com Changing e mail address? Let us know!!

Visitor no 10,000 on our website is in for some special treatment.Send us a screen shot and we’ll send you a nice big surprise! No cheating now.Impress your friends!! Be ‘feeder fan of the month! E mail us a picture and we’ll whack it on the site and give you a little write up too!