
June 4, 1999

It’s official, we went round to Dean’s place this morning, got him out of bed, and signed the Time Bomb deal. We can now get on with having a (musical) life again!

DART comes out monday (7th) and the album comes out on the 29th.

Sydney: don’t forget we’re coming down next weekend. Come and see us play.

You can even check out Dean’s new MOUSTACHE – it’s very sophisticated.


a few quick ones..!

May 31, 1999

hiya all,

well the American deal is pretty much done – we receive the finalised contract this week and will sign, and from then on our home will be TIME BOMB Records, in Laguna Beach, Californ-I-A. It’s pretty exciting, especially as we’ve been working towards this for about 14 months now.. more on the deal later in the week.

Anyway, we’ve gotta start saving for the:
*new spiky haircuts
*extra long wallet chains
*massively baggy shorts
*complete range of beachwear
*and any other trendy american paraphernalia we can get our hands on!!


but we’ve decided to do a few quick shows anyway..
these are:

  • **tim and kellie acoustic: RIC’S bar, the valley (brisbane) THIS THURSDAY the 3rd supported by Trent (ex melnik) and Tim Oxley (ex verys). it should be fun, and it’s free, so if you’re in a 20 km radius, come on down.
  • THURSDAY 10th June – the GLOBE, Newtown, Sydney, with the Del Emmas and Lime
  • FRIDAY 11th – UWS Nepean – University show
  • SATURDAY 12th – North Point Tavern, Nort Sydney, with Four Bolt Main and Lime

And who knows, if things go to plan and we get overseas in the next few months this could be the last chance to catch the feeder for a while, so don’t be slackers now.

over n out,

tim/kel/dean   🙂

soundtrack/acoustic shows/record deal

May 3, 1999

In case you’re confused, the song HIT THE SKY that’s been played on JJJ lately is NOT a feeder release!

The song is a reworking of the Hi Cs instrumental b-side “Decaptivated”, with Kim from now defunct sydney band SPDFGH singing over the top. The track was recorded originally just for fun, but then got selected to go on the soundtrack for a film “fresh Air” that’s coming out soon. Hence the airplay and publicity.

Tim and Kellie will be doing some acoustic shows around town (Brisbane) soon:

  • MAY 9  (Sunday Afternoon) Bliss Bar, Spring Hill.
  • MAY 13 (Thursday night)  THE PRESS CLUB, the Valley.
  • and a bit later, JUNE 3 (Thursday night)  RIC’S BAR, the Valley mall.  w/ Trent(ex Melnik) and Tim Oxley (ex Verys)

We’ll be playing old stuff, new stuff, covers, everything. So come along, it’ll be a laugh if nothing else.

And finally, the new record deal that we’ve been sweating over for the past 14 months looks like it’s finally SORTED. From the very near future onwards, Time Bomb Records in California will be our new home. When the deal’s signed sealed and delivered we’ll be able to start thinking about that NEXT ALBUM we’ve been promising for ages now!

Meanwhile, DART is getting remixed, and released as the first single this month, with a new version of Kitten Licks (slightly different track listing, and re mastered) hot on its heels.

More news soon…
tim/kellie/dean xx


February 13, 1999

Yeah yeah, I know you don’t all actually live in the wonderful city of Brisbane, but for those who do..


it’s at the ORIENT HOTEL, and it’ll feature 3 other ace bands:

  • Bzark (melbourne),
  • Slant,
  • and Hupercon.

It’ll probably be the last chance in a while to hear a lot of our new songs (as well as the obligatory oldies) before we:

* implode
* explode
* record our new album
* travel the world
* write a whole lotta NEW ones
* Get a real job
* get sober

or any combination of the above. Get along to the gig, it’ll be fun. Dean’s got a whole bunch of new hats he scored of his deceased great uncle in law, I’m sure he’ll wear one. And he got a bitchin hawaain (that doesn’t look right) Hawaiain (?whatever!) shirt too!


– Having trouble finding our CDs?

PLEASE tell us the names and locations of shops where you can’t find our stuff, as we can then pass on the info to those in charge of our distribution and tell them to get things movin’. But we’ll never know if you don’t tell  us… not just the latest releases either – any old feeder cd you happen to be after.